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Location : Purley, London Working Hours : Mon - Sunday 24hrs

Education and Training:

We believe that everyone should be given the equal opportunity to work towards achieving any goals or aspirations they may have and we actively encourage service users to attend school, college, training and work placements.  At Houses Of Hope, we are committed to working in partnership with local authorities, educational establishments, employers and training establishments to obtain meaningful placements for the service users in our care.


What help is available!

Where appropriate, service users will be encouraged to actively be seeking employment or further education if they are not in full-time education. The Care Manager, the allocated key- worker, allocated outreach worker will support this.

  • In circumstances where a service user is attending a college/training or work placement at the time of admission, we make every effort to support them in maintaining their attendance.
  • Staff support will be offered at all interviews with the service user to give support in helping in their interviewing skills and other areas.
  • Support with understanding and completing required tasks
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