Houses of Hope provide trusted and reliable supported living services which focus solely on assisting young adult males within the 16-25 years of age group to develop independent living skills. Those we work with include services users who have been diagnosed with specific needs such as Autism, mild to moderate learning disabilities such as Asperger’s Syndrome, Down’s Syndrome or other non-specified, learning difficulties and mental health and/or cognitive impairment.
We also have a separate service coming soon which will work with young people who have faced challenges with emotional and behavioural difficulties (EBD).Over time these behaviours may have led the individuals to have encounters with the Criminal Justice System, which in turn has led them to being classified as Schedule One offenders and/or recidivism.
With three prime accommodations and each allocated to specific service user groups, our supported living services provide a person-centred service which focuses on the individuals needs and working towards positive outcomes. Our accommodations provide homes within responsive environments that provide a space for the service user to grow and work towards achieving their goals and aspirations whilst developing social and life skills.